Speaking of cut-rate Cosa Nostra operations (see end of previous post), the new SCOTUS nom fits breathtakingly into the pattern. Digby (as usual) is on the trail:
In case anyone is wondering if Roberts really is a partisan hack or not, Jeffrey Toobin's book "Too Close To Call" sheds some light on that subject:
The president's first two nominations to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia curcuit --- generally regarded as the stepping-stone to the Supreme Court --- went to Miguel Estrada and John G Roberts Jr., who had played important behind-the scenes roles in the Florida litigation.
"Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me. But, until that day, accept this justice..."
And just when I thought I could get away with a completely civilian post, I learn this: Roberts was one of the D.C. Circuit judges denying any rights on the part of Guantanamo detainees -- even when they're citizens. The implications may dwarf even Roe in urgency.
I'm otherwise a grading machine today, so I can't spend much time expressing my exasperation at usually-reasonable folk like Jeralyn at TalkLeft that he seems "confirmable" and that they plan to "wait and see." Let alone the chorus of the so-called liberal media useful links from Brian at SCOTUSblog and here from Jessica at Feministing). Lindsay has a much better directive for Dems and advocates alike.
Or, to import another succinct and important declaration:
I call bullshit
...On the argument that John Roberts isn’t anti-choice cause he was “just a being a lawyer” when he said Roe should be overturned.
How about the fact that his wife is the former Executive Vice President of Feminists for Life?
And how comfortable are you with a nominee who has the support of Operation Rescue?